LaMelo Ball Gave His Mother the Best Birthday Gift by Providing 100 Scholarships to Students at the Middle School Where She Has Been a PE Teacher and Athletic Director for 24 Years: “The Most Amazing Woman in My Life”

LaMelo Ball’s mother Tina had a stroke three years ago. Her 24-year career at Vernon Middle School, where she began as a physical education teacher and eventually rose to the position of athletic director, came to an end with that. LaMelo and CloseUp360 organised a memorable day for her back on campus in November, two days before she was selected by the Charlotte Hornets with the third overall choice in the NBA draft. She was greeted by old coworkers and with two Outstanding Achievement certificates. Additionally, this school year, 100 Vernon students will be enrolled in Yellowbrick courses in Tina’s honour.

In keeping with his favourite pastimes off the court, LaMelo is also offering a 20 percent discount on two of Yellowbrick’s most well-liked online courses, Streetwear Essentials and Sneaker Essentials. With the help of prominent educators and professionals in the field, you will graduate from either course with a certificate of completion that will help you in your future professional pursuits.

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LaMelo Ball gave his mother Tina the best birthday present ever.

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LaMelo is offering 100 scholarships to students at the middle school where his mother spent 24 years as an athletic director and P.E. teacher, in collaboration with CloseUp360 and Yellowbrick.

LaMelo Ball's Instagram photo: “Happy Mother's Day  love you momma ” | Lamelo ball, Street style outfits men, Kylie jenner workout

LaMelo Ball's Special Honor for His Mom | CloseUp360

Happy Mother's Day  | Lamelo ball, Ball, Love and basketball