NBA star Klay Thompson gifts his mother a multi-million dollar house with a vast garden for her 60th birthday, showcasing his gratitude and filial piety.

When Klay Thompson of the Warriors returns home, he discovers heartfelt posters left by his Bay Area neighbours.






Klay Thompson loves living in the Bay Area, and his neighbours share same sentiment.Thompson returned to his Marin County home after a busy few days that included winning the NBA title in Boston, having a wild time at the parade in San Francisco, and partying in Las Vegas.

On Wednesday, he put up two posters, one of which featured congratulations from his Marin County neighbours.On one of the posters, “941 Days” is emblazoned in large, Warriors-gold lettering as a nod to the difficulties the shooting guard has encountered. Following consecutive years of missing 941 days due to ruptured ACL and Achilles tendon injuries, Thompson made a successful comeback to the NBA, winning his fourth title in eight years.Even while everyone in the Bay Area knows how close Klay is to “Splash Brother” Steph Curry, recent occurrences have also demonstrated how close-knit his relationship is with his neighbours. Since coming back from Boston, Thompson has taken great pride in the happiness he has been able to bring to the community. Being acknowledged at brunch and “taking a picture with an old lady or young kid,” as the posters greeting him said, are just two of the many simple joys he has had since returning home.Earlier this week, he posted a video to his Instagram account of himself relaxing on his beloved boat with two neighbours who lived “right down the corner.”Whether a local bakery has offered a “holy cannoli” in his honour is presently unknown.